July 3, 2023

SDR Portugal and Association of Food Product Distributors sign a Collaboration Protocol

SDR Portugal and ADIPA sign a collaboration protocol for the development and implementation of the non-reusable beverage packaging deposit and refund system in Portugal, within the specific context of wholesale retail.

Lisbon, July 3, 2023 – The protocol established between SDR Portugal, the association responsible for managing the future System of Deposit and Refund of Non-Reusable Beverage Packaging to be implemented in the national territory, and ADIPA – Association of Food Product Distributors – aims to develop and implement the future Portuguese Deposit Refund System (DRS), specifically within the context of wholesale retail effectively and efficiently.

As part of the actions outlined in this cooperation protocol, SDR Portugal will conduct educational and awareness-raising initiatives to familiarize ADIPA’s affiliated companies with the functioning of the future DRS. SDR Portugal also commits to promoting the implementation and management of a system that encourages accessible participation for all consumers, especially the wholesale in the HoReCa channel.. In addition, SDR Portugal undertakes to make available the information and knowledge generated from the studies developed, in accordance with the regulatory framework defined for the DRS implementation model in Portugal.

In turn, ADIPA commits to collaborating with SDR Portugal in developing the most effective solutions for the collection of single-use beverage packaging and the refund of deposit values, particularly within the wholesale retail spectrum, with a specific focus on the HoReCA channel.

Both associations, through the signing of this protocol, establish a framework for synergy aimed at disseminating information and providing training on DRS, as well as jointly participating in various initiatives such as events, studies, and working groups, all of which are essential for the successful implementation of DRS in Portugal.

The model proposed by SDR Portugal, as a complement to the existing system, is an example of a circular economy and aims to increase the number of collected and recycled packaging materials. This solution offers significant environmental benefits and actively contributes to achieving the targets to which Portugal is committed.

“The protocol signed today reaffirms once again that the system we aspire to implement is the most suitable response for what Portugal needs on a large scale, across various sectors, and throughout all its value chains. The collaboration agreements we have been entering into demonstrate the strength of SDR Portugal’s proposal and the opportunity we all have – consumers, businesses, and associations – to contribute to a more sustainable country aligned with the goals of the European Union”,”, says Leonardo Mathias, President of SDR Portugal. Mathias further adds, “The protocol established with ADIPA assumes a joint effort aimed at promoting the Deposit Refund System as an essential condition for greater environmental sustainability within the Portuguese wholesale food retail sector”.

The participation and involvement of ADIPA – Association of Food Product Distributors in the future deposit refund system managed by SDR Portugal are of utmost importance for the success and efficiency of the system. ADIPA, as an association representing numerous food product distribution companies, possesses valuable knowledge about the distribution chain and the challenges related to waste management in this specific sector. Active participation in this context will allow for the consideration of specialized and relevant perspectives regarding the implementation of the deposit refund system, ensuring effective measures that promote the recycling of food packaging, waste reduction, and sustainability”, says João Vieira Lopes, President of ADIPA and CCP.

Furthermore, ADIPA can play a fundamental role in raising awareness among food product distributors about the benefits of the deposit refund system. Through awareness campaigns and educational programs tailored to distributors, the association can inform them about the positive environmental and economic impacts of adopting sustainable packaging management practices.

The involvement of ADIPA in this process is crucial to ensure the participation of independent wholesale and retail distribution companies in the implementation of the deposit refund system managed by SDR Portugal. The active participation of these companies in the deposit refund system will ensure broader and more efficient coverage, enabling the proper return of packaging materials to be carried out nationwide”, João Vieira Lopes adds.

Stay informed about the media coverage of this collaboration:

Água & Ambiente

Jornal Económico


Ambiente Magazine

Grande Consumo

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