March 22, 2023

SDR Portugal and the Portuguese Association of Shopping Centres sign a collaboration protocol

– SDR Portugal and APCC – Portuguese Association of Shopping Centres sign a collaboration protocol for the development and implementation, within the context of shopping centres, of the non-reusable beverage packaging deposit refund system in Portugal

Lisbon, March 22, 2023 – The protocol recently signed by SDR Portugal, a candidate for the management of the future non-reusable beverage packaging deposit refund system to be established in our country, and by the APCC – Portuguese Association of Shopping Centres and Marketplaces aims at the effective and efficient development and implementation of the deposit refund system (DRS) to be implemented in Portugal and within the context of shopping centres.

Training, awareness, and information on the operation of the future DRS for the end consumer and for the affiliated companies of APCC, are some of the fundamental aspects ensured by SDR Portugal within the scope of this protocol. SDR Portugal also commits to promoting the implementation and management of a system that encourages accessible participation for all consumers, especially those in the HoReCa channel within the context of shopping centres. Additionally, SDR Portugal will share information and knowledge generated from the studies conducted, and in accordance with the regulatory framework defined for the DRS implementation model in Portugal.

APCC commits to collaborating with SDR Portugal in the development of the most effective solutions for the collection of single-use beverage packaging and the refund of deposit values within the context of shopping centres and the national DRS implementation.

Both SDR Portugal and APCC also commit, through this protocol, to conducting dissemination, information, and training actions about the DRS and to collaborating on various initiatives such as events, studies, and working groups that are relevant for the successful implementation of the DRS in Portugal.

The model proposed by SDR Portugal, complementary to the existing one, is to increase the number of collected and recycled packaging, reducing their impact on the environment and contributing to Portugal’s commitment to meet specific targets.

“The protocol signed today with APCC is yet another indication that the solution we aspire to is the most suitable response for the country’s needs. We are increasingly prepared, and the agreements we have been making demonstrate the robustness of SDR Portugal’s proposal and the capability we know it will have to help the country meet its committed goals,” says Leonardo Mathias, President of SDR Portugal. He also emphasizes, “The protocol established with APCC will enable us to reach even more people, providing the necessary solution in places where consumption occurs and in an effective manner. We are ready. All that remains is to understand the essential elements for the system to be implemented so that we can all start contributing more effectively to achieving the results Portugal needs”.

“Sustainability is one of the central pillars of the activities of Shopping Centres, so we promote a series of initiatives ranging from energy conservation to water consumption reduction, waste reduction, and the promotion of recycling. In this sense, the protocol now signed with SDR Portugal represents another step towards increasing recycling in our spaces and promoting it among our customers,” says Cristina Moreira Santos, President of APCC.

SDR Portugal – Deposit Refund System
SDR Portugal comprises companies in the beverage industry and retailers operating in Portugal, namely: the Water of Fastio, Aguas das Caldas de Penacova, Coca-cola, Water Company of Areeiro, Water Company of Vimeiro, Beer Company of Madeira, Font Salem Portugal, Areeiro Group, Monchique Mineral Water, Parmalat Portugal, SCC – Sociedade Central de Cervejas, Sumol+Compal, Super Bock Group, Unilever FIMA and the associations APIAM – Mineral and spring waters of Portugal and PROBEB – Portuguese Association of Non-Alcoholic Beverages (which constitute the Circular Drinks Association and represent 90% share of the refreshing drinks industry) and the badges Auchan, Intermarché, Lidl, Pingo Doce, MCSonae, Mercadona, makro and Dia Portugal (which constitute the SDRetalhistas Association and which account for more than 80% of the total Portuguese distribution market). The industry and retail sectors are coming together with the mission to fulfil what they believe is a national imperative: increasing the number of collected and recycled packaging while reducing their environmental impact and contributing to Portugal’s commitment to meeting its targets. At the same time, they aim to create conditions to stimulate technological innovation and the competitiveness of Portuguese companies, boosting the national economy.

With the implementation of the Deposit Refund System, SDR Portugal, through its shareholders, anticipates an investment exceeding 100 million euros, of which 70 million should be allocated within the first two years (the minimum implementation period of the system following the issuance of the license) and the creation of more than 1,500 direct and indirect jobs.

Comprising major Packagers (Producers and Distributors) with national coverage, SDR aims to manage an efficient system, thanks to the achieved economies of scale. It will reduce the complexity of the registration of the covered packaging, simplifying operations for packagers and retailers with more transparent costs and operations. This will also lead to a reduction in regulatory costs for the government with equity in the applied fees. This new system will provide greater clarity for consumers, contribute to higher recycling rates to meet European targets, and help reduce littering by up to 40% and marine litter.

About APCC
APCC is a national association that brings together investing companies, developers, and managers of Shopping Centres, as well as retail businesses and service providers to the sector. Currently, APCC represents 95 Shopping Centres, encompassing 8,600 stores. These centres employ one hundred thousand direct workers (out of a total of 300 thousand). The Shopping Centres’ ecosystem receives 585 million visitors per year.

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